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Healing Homes

Welcome to 

I develop Homes that Heal as I spread the gospel of how to live a healthier life in a healthier home and avoid being choked by our own electro-pollution.

Healing Homes - reducing electro pollution
Image by Yoav Hornung
A Beautiful Waterfall for Healing Homes. Guru website

This site...

Is best viewed on a desktop or laptop device.  It is NOT a quick read.   I have purposely included a LOT of information here.  You will get much more out of this site if you take your time and switch to a larger screen.


This site describes the services I provide that will help you and your family get and stay healthy.  Moreover, this site goes into great depth to educate you on the elements that make my homes healthier and completely different from conventional new home construction.


My homes actually go beyond healthy—they are designed to heal Heal the body.  Heal the mind.  Even help heal the planet.  They are built with sustainable materials like hemp and cork that sequester carbon.  They are full of ion-rich fresh air.  They are designed to give you a good night's sleep.  And their not-so-big floor plans are transformative and life-affirming.


Only one problem—no one knows about them and they are so far, only on paper.  In that sense I feel a lot like Howard Roark—the protagonist of Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead—who after failing at school and career, opens his own office and patiently waits for his first customer to knock on his door.  

Howard Roark never had the Internet, but I do.  So Hello World!  This is my mouthpiece for showcasing how my homes are different, the Quality Standards that define them, and why building healthy matters—especially for a generation of children we must protect from a chemically-addicted and electro-polluted world that is in the midst of a pandemic of chronic disease.  And I am not talking about COVID.


Please take the time to find the myriad healthy home resources I provide, including a soon-to-be-released eBook I am writing-- How to Find a Healthy Not-So-Big Home in Chicago: A Step-by-Step Guide.


Do not hesitate to reach out when you want to chat and learn more or want to comment.  And please forward this site to anyone you think will benefit from one of my homes or services.



My Raison d'etre

To develop Chicago’s healthiest, most comfortable, space-efficient homes. 


Featuring modern, life-affirming, home-as-sanctuary floor plans.


Built using fewer, more sustainable, all natural resources.


Designed to mitigate electromagnetic radiation.


Guaranteed to use less energy.


Offered at a fair price.


Inspired by Nature.


And crafted by those whose designs and workmanship stir the soul.

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Your Health Starts Here

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